Wheig has been created in 2013 by Bertrand Courcelle and François de Montfort with the intention to develop energy generation solutions for isolated sites, out of locally available energy resources (biomass, waste) in South America and South East Asia and the Pacific, as a complement to existing fossil fuel energy production sites (namely gensets).
However and from the fall of oil prices in 2015, the Group had to adapt since the Mwh price of energy thus developed could no longer even get close to the gensets MWh prices.
The Group hence focused on waste collection and treatment, still for small and specific places, focusing on the necessity to fully re-use and recycle all waste collected and send less than 5% to disposal: separated inert components are to be recycled (paper & cardboard, plastics, metals ..) and the organic fraction composted and sold as calibrated compost / organic fertilizers.
The first Plant of this kind was developed in Thailand.